Be Thankful In All Circumstances (By Jon Perkins)

It’s that time of year for families and friends to gather around the table and eat so much food, watch football, play games, and tell stories of previous Thanksgiving disasters. Okay, maybe that last part is just my family.


Give Thanks (By Dan Adams)

I’m beginning to think I’m in the minority, but I like my holidays one at a time. I don’t want to rush, I want to enjoy each one, especially this time of the year. We’re barely past the last one, and nearly every store is already decked out for Christmas.


Our Team (By Shane Prewitt)

One of my favorite parts of being a Pastor is being able to work alongside others to fulfill the mission of Christ here in this world. I’ve only been at PHBC for a few months, but I have already fallen in love with the staff that I get to work with every day.


More Than Conquerers (By Dan Adams)

Have you ever walked away from a Sunday morning sermon thinking, “He was preaching directly to me, how did he know?!” When it’s a sermon filled with love, compassion, and hope, that’s a very encouraging feeling. Other times, it’s quite different, leaving us feeling challenged and convicted, and rightly so.