Relationships Matter (By Pam Scott)

I’m sure we have all been feeling it more than ever lately – that need for relationships, and how much they really matter. God showed that early on, in the book of Genesis, when He created man, and then stated in Genesis 2:18 that “it is not good for man to be alone.” So he created a helpmate, and from there, people multiplied and filled the earth.


Sing a New Song (By Shane Prewitt)

Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; speak of all His wonders… (I Chronicles 16:9)
One of the things I miss most about gathering together with our church body is the ability to lift our voices together to sing praises to our God.


Prayer is Active (By Jon Perkins)

I remember my first “Prayer Walk.” I was a young youth pastor who was learning the ropes daily while attempting to cover deficiencies with creativity. One of the “creative” ideas came from a friend of an intern at the church. We were on a retreat of sorts and it was suggested that we leave the house individually and walk the mile to the next meeting location praying over certain things.


He is Not Here! (By Shane Prewitt)

As we move into our second month of not being able to gather in our church building for corporate worship because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we recognize much has changed in a very short period of time in our lives. However, the one thing that will never change is the reason for the hope that we have inside us.