Annual Checkup (By Dan Adams)

A couple of weeks ago, I had a scheduled visit with my family doctor. I wasn’t sick, nor was I particularly concerned with any specific health issue. I was visiting him for an annual wellness check. I didn’t even know that was a thing until we were told we needed to schedule them for our kids. Previously, the only reason I went to the doctor was if I was sick and not getting better on my own.
My doctor asked me a number of very personal and probing questions. I wasn’t offended – that’s why I was there and what I needed. I wanted an outside and informed evaluation to measure my level of health. Sure, I have the typical aches and pains for my age. But overall, I was pleased to hear that I’m relatively healthy, but need to lose some weight. I wasn’t surprised, and am now more motivated to drop those pounds. But that’s probably not going to happen without some changes to my eating and exercise. I need to change my habits.
The very next week, I received a checkup on another area of my life. In preparation for tax season, I’ve been receiving end-of-year giving statements from our church and the mission agencies we support. The habit of our lives is to give regularly to these throughout the year. It’s interesting and encouraging to see how this habit adds up throughout the year. These giving statements have also challenged me to evaluate my giving for the coming year. I want to give more – but that’s probably not going to happen without some changes to my spending and saving. I need to change my habits.
This is something that my wife and I discuss from time to time. We work hard for our paychecks, and are grateful for all that the Lord provides for us. But we also want to give back to His work, and make a difference for the Kingdom of God. So, in order to reach that goal, we have scheduled secure and regular online giving through our church’s website.
God challenges and encourages us to consider seriously what we want to commit to Him. “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

As you consider in your heart what you want to give back cheerfully to the Lord this year, I pray that you know well His faithful provision in your life. There is great joy in knowing that our giving is making a difference for eternity.