Baby Steps Go A Long Way (By Jon Perkins)

There was a popular comedy that came out in 1991 entitled “What About Bob?” It starred Bill Murray as a psychological patient of Richard Dreyfuss. The movie featured these two iconic actors of that day and is still wildly popular. If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s a story about how Bob (Bill Murray) follows Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) and his family on vacation. Of course, since it is a comedy, some hilarious situations, along with some conflict, and finally resolution, occur.
Now, I haven’t seen the movie since the mid 90s. I barely remember anything about that movie outside of Bill Murray’s character repeating the phrase “baby steps” whenever he was stepping outside of his comfort zone. For instance, he kept repeating, “Baby step to the elevator. Baby step into the elevator.” He learned that the key to go beyond his comfort zone was taking baby steps.
I had my own “baby steps” experience this past week. My wife and I decided to join a gym. That, of course, means we are working toward a healthier lifestyle. Since we joined, we have been working out faithfully. We do cardio, spin class, yoga, etc. But in my own stupidity, I decided that “baby steps” was not good enough or quick enough for me. Not because I am some workout wonder, as you probably already know, but because I am impatient to see the final result. 
Monday morning, we went to the gym and attended one of the training classes. To say that I did not take the training at a good pace would be an understatement. I went all out to the point of pure exhaustion without taking a break for water or even time to collect my breath. Awesome, right? No, actually, I was so exhausted that the owner of the gym called the paramedics for me. As I was sitting in the locker room trying to catch my breath, awaiting the arrival of the paramedics, all I could think was, This is so embarrassing. There is no way I can ever come back here. I am just going to eat healthy and walk the dogs more. Lifting weights is not for me. Being healthy is overrated anyway. I thought about donning a wig and a fake nose to attend my next exercise class. Yes, I am exaggerating, but I was truly beyond frustrated.
Have you ever been there? Have you ever wanted to be the final product instead of the version you are now? If you are honest with yourself, the answer is yes. It is even true in our relationship with Christ. We compare ourselves to others. We wonder how others can have such a dynamic relationship with Jesus while we are over here struggling to feel His presence. They hear God speak to them when they pray, but when I pray all I can hear is the voices in my head reminding me of all I need to get done today. They can quote verses without even blinking, and I am just trying to find the New Testament.
Let me encourage you today. Baby steps. God is not finished with you. He is still working on you. He is not going anywhere. He is not getting frustrated with you. He loves you. He knows relationships take work. He knows this and wants to help you. Paul encourages us in Philippians 1:6, And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” The key to this is His love. Proof is found in verses 9 and 10; “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

Author Marshall Segal sums it up best by saying:

God is completing us by producing in us more and more love fueled by truths about him and his world. He is sharpening our minds and hearts around what is good, and that love — built on the iron beams of knowledge and discernment — prepares us for Him, for a perfect, holy God. God makes us ready for that day by teaching us more of His truth and making us more loving toward others. God does the work. That’s why it’s a prayer (Philippians 1:9) and not only a command. Paul is asking God to do it in them, in us.”

Don’t give up. Don’t stop. Don’t doubt God. He, our Savior, our Lord, our Heavenly Father, our Protector, our Comforter, made the promise that He is going to continue to work in you and through you until the final day.

What is your baby step today to know Him more?