What Would Jesus Do? (By Tim H.)

Back in the 1990s, many Christians in the United States were wearing bracelet with the letters “WWJD” on them. The letters stood for “What Would Jesus Do”. Many used these letters as a reminder of their belief in a moral imperative to act in a manner that would demonstrate the love of Jesus through their actions.
I have been giving a lot of thought lately regarding the multiplication of Growth Groups and the involvement of our church family in groups. Wondering what could the discipleship team do to make groups look attractive to those not involved in a group. Seeking ways to raise up leaders to lead new group in their homes, places of work, or school to reach more people in more ways. Investigating methods and processes to complete a goal that has been on the discipleship team’s heart for many years.
Then it hit me. “WWJD?”
I took a step back and looked at how Jesus personally built a “growth group”. He did not attend a seminar titled, “12 Steps to a Successful Growth Group”, or watch a DVD by the latest leadership trainer on how to form and lead a group that impacts the world. Jesus took a very personal approach, and one that we should all be able to easily replicate no matter how young or old we are.

Jesus invited others to join Him.

Can you believe that? Jesus, Messiah and Savior of the world, personally invited others to join Him on the journey. Jesus didn’t post a sign in the towns He journeyed through saying, “Join my group.”He personally invited each man, who we would later recognize as His group of disciples. He lived life with them. No doubt there was laughter, tears, and even disagreements as this eclectic group of men grew in their faith together. Eventually, many of these men would lead similar groups that ultimately impacted millions of lives with the Gospel. Today, you and I are a result of their investment in forming a group!
So, Growth Group Leaders and Growth Group participants, let’s do what Jesus did and personally invite others to be a part our groups. The PHBC 2018 Winter Reset is coming up, and it’s a great time to invite others to join us in the journey where they can experience In-Reach, Up-Reach, and Out-Reach.
Let’s take bold steps at inviting and forming new groups that will reach more people with the Gospel message and teaching of the Scriptures. WWJD?

2 Responses to “What Would Jesus Do? (By Tim H.)”

  1. Doug Schweitzer says:

    Isn’t it amazing how the Bible has the answers to all our questions.

  2. Terry Zerby says:

    Let me give an “AMEN” to Tim’s article. It’s still the personal touch that God uses to reach souls for Himself.
    You are in my constant prayers.