Nebuchadnezzar (By Jon Perkins)

Do you remember the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? Here’s a quick summary: King Nebuchadnezzar gathers together all the people, including the who’s who from throughout the Babylonian Empire. People from different nations and languages. He invites them to come to the dedication of a gold statue. It is a party.


FALL: Part 4 (By Matt Williams)

For the month of October, we have been looking at four of the many signs that screams, “Christians are here!” through the acronym of FALL. “F” stands for FELLOWSHIP, “A” for awe, “L” for linked, and the final “L” is for love. Yet get this: if you read Acts 2:42-47, you will not find the word “love” mentioned anywhere. But if you look close…you’ll see it; it’s in there.


FALL: Part 3 (By Matt Williams)

One of the most phenomenal parts of fall is how an ordinary green leaf can turn into a brilliant, vibrant red, yellow, purple, black, orange, pink, magenta, blue and/or brown leaf of beauty.   Separately, each leaf is a unique thumbprint-like touch of God. Collectively hanging together on a tree…an amazing burst from God’s paint palette. Fall is God’s artistic free-for-all, an amazing display of His handiwork.


FALL: Part 2 (By Matt Williams)

As I stated last week, fall is my favorite season. With all the brilliant colors, warm days and chilly nights, bonfires, and such…you know that FALL IS HERE! There is something special about this season. There is no season, in my opinion, that has the sharpest of change in our environment than fall.