Blue Skies (By Kraig Anderson)

We waited all winter long and just couldn’t wait for that day to come – March 20, 2018 – the first day of spring! We wanted to plant gardens, go for walks, enjoy lunches on the patio…you know – spring stuff!
And then that day came, all right. We got the first day of spring (more like winter) with its painful 30-degree temps, dreary skies, and frigid winds. Ugh! Not the spring I had imagined! My calendar, my timing says, nice weather should be here. I was tired of waiting!
Who likes waiting? Many verses such as Psalm 37:7 remind us that God’s timing is always true, and always right on time. “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.” We are so conditioned to get what we want when we think we should get it and not have to wait. We grow impatient waiting for answered prayers. As time goes by, we lose hope, forget the prayer or maybe even conclude that God didn’t want to answer it. That’s when we can lean into Scriptures like Psalm 105:5, “I wait expectantly, trusting God to help, for he has promised.” We have every reason and biblical truth to expect an answer – on God’s schedule.

I decided I wanted beautiful weather on the first day of spring and certainly didn’t get it. But as I walked from my car this morning and felt the warm breeze and now enjoy looking at the bright blue sky through my office windows, I can’t help but think this is the perfect day to have spring-like weather. It’s beautiful! Memories of the dark, dreary days of the past months quickly vanish on a day like this. Today is the blessing that God has given us and we can all feel thankful and blessed for His perfect timing! Thank You, Father, for today’s blessing! Your timing is ALWAYS PERFECT!