Rekindle (By Dan Adams)

“You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling.” This is never what you want to hear from someone you care deeply about. But this is what the Ephesian church heard from Jesus Himself. Those words have been echoing in my mind for the last few weeks as I’ve been evaluating my heart and passion for Christ.
While I was recently reading the book of Revelation, I was struck multiple times by both the words of encouragement and challenge that He brings to the early believers. I can’t help but think they’re for you and I today.
In Revelation 2:2-3, Jesus commends the Ephesians for their: hard work, patient endurance, not putting up with evildoers, patient suffering, and perseverance. That’s what I want to hear from Christ. But His challenge to them in verse 4 has been an ongoing evaluation for my heart. “I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.”
Ouch! I know I love Christ, but I have to evaluate. Have I drifted? Have I wandered? Have I lost that lovin’ feeling?

If that’s you, you’re not alone. It’s something that most of us wrestle with from time to time. If we’ve let our love and passion for Christ dwindle, it’s time to rekindle. Which is why I’m glad verse 5 gives us clear instruction on how to rekindle the love that once was. “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent; and do the works you did at first.”

In this verse, there are 3 “R” words that help us rekindle our fire for Christ.

  1. REMEMBER. The simple act of remembering why and how we fell in love with Christ can stir the smoldering coals and fan the dying embers of our hearts. What first drew you to Christ? What made you want to trust Him with your life? What did you appreciate most about Him then? What was it like to have your heart set ablaze by His unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness, and powerful presence?
  2. REPENT. If you’re like me, there have been thoughts, actions, words, and decisions that you know are displeasing to God. While forgetting lets the flames slowly die down, these sins douse our passion for Christ like buckets of cold water. What in your life do you need to be honest about, confess to Him,
    ask forgiveness for, and turn from? You’ll be amazed at how freeing this is, and how it will reignite your passion for Christ.
  3. RETURN (do the works you did at first). As you remember a time when you were on fire for Christ, think about the things that you did to maintain your relationship with Him. These are the things that we need to return to. These are likely the same kind of things you do to maintain your earthly friendships: spend quality time; communicate regularly; express your gratitude; share about your feelings, thoughts, concerns, hopes, and joys. I’m sure you could add to this list.
It’s my hope and prayer that you’ve been encouraged to rekindle your relationship with Christ.